Friday, June 4, 2010

ARV - Life-Saving Drug Against HIV/AIDS

ARV or also known as Antiretroviral drugs has been saving many lives in Africa for so long by now. The ARV makes the Virus sleeps, making it inactive for more or less a day upon taking the medication. That's right, it only makes the virus sleep. Not cure. However, This lifesaving pill only costs a fraction of your money. It costs $0.40. And you have to take the medication in a daily basis or else the virus will wake up.

ARV drugs are proven to be effective. Within 40 days time, you can see a remarkable change on a HIV positive victim. See the the following photos...

Truly a life saving drug! Isn't it? The invention of it's drug is one step closer to the REAL CURE of HIV. However, There's a saying that...

Prevention is better than cure.

So always keep that in mind. although taking a drug a day isn't really that hassle. It's always better to stay healthy and not to do so.

And guys, Here's the Whole eye opening video about ARVs...


Credits to HBO and the director [RED]

God bless. :)


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